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Greg Hendry is the proud father of five children. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and earned a master’s degree from Cornell University. He is a former ranger and Captain in the U.S. Army. After the military, he worked in the airline and technology industries for twenty years.
His books have been featured on EWTN radio and i
Greg Hendry is the proud father of five children. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and earned a master’s degree from Cornell University. He is a former ranger and Captain in the U.S. Army. After the military, he worked in the airline and technology industries for twenty years.
His books have been featured on EWTN radio and in various Catholic publications. Greg is a Serra club member, ambassador for GRN radio, and a featured speaker at Catholic teen and vocational events.
He founded fromHeaven Books after his first book, Mommying from Heaven, honoring his late wife, Allison, who died shortly after the birth of their third child. Some of the priests featured in Power Priests supported him through the grieving process.
Planting Vocation Seeds
Your $100 gift will provide 11-year-olds and 11th grade students with vocational materials for boys and girls
11 Power Priests, 11 Power Sisters books and Vianney Vocations curriculum will be delivered to parish youth leaders or Catholic schools in time for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on May 11, 2025
3 hardcover Power Priests and 3 hardcover Power Sisters books for libraries or school and parish leaders
All $100+ givers will receive a signed personal hardcover book of choice.